ONGOING: “First Words”
freewriting class offered first Sunday of the month
in North Berkeley, 1-6 pm
Mendocino Coast Writers Conference
July 31-August 2, 2014
Martha's Vineyard Writing Workshop/Retreat
Edgartown, MA
August 31 – September 7, 2014
contact for more info: elizabeth@elizabethrosner.com
Holland Lake Lodge
Writers Workshop/Retreat
Swan Valley, Montana
September 11-18, 2014
Saturday Feb. 11, 2012
California Writers Club
Pleasant Hill, CA
Workshop at Esalen Institute
led by Elizabeth Rosner
Big Sur, CA
February 13-18, 2011
Click Here to register.
Saturday Feb. 18, 2012
Guest speaker
California Institute for Integral Studies
San Francisco, CA
Sunday Feb. 26, 2012
Interviewing Nicole Krauss
San Francisco Jewish Book Festival
Saturday March 3, 2012
Authors on the Move
Sacramento Library Foundation
Sacramento, CA
Taheima Wellness Resort and Spa
Writers Retreat
Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico
March 19-26, 2011
Saturday April 16 - April 22, 2012
April lecture tour in Northern Germany
Invited by the University of Hamburg, the University of Dortmund, the AmerikaHaus and the Heinrich-Heine Institute, Elizabeth Rosner discussed her award-winning novel THE SPEED OF LIGHT. She appeared in a series of events during the second half of April, at several locations in Northern Germany. (Please see link below for an announcement of one such event.) With German actors reading excerpts from THE SPEED OF LIGHT in translation, Ms. Rosner lectured on themes of inherited grief and the power of storytelling to help heal the complex legacy of the Second World War. Rosner was accompanied by her father, Carl Heinz Rosner.
Mendocino Coast Writers Conference
Where writers find encouragement, expertise, and inspiration
July 26-28, 2012
Click Here to register.
August 26, 2012 | 3 pm
Litquake: A Festival of Books, Ideas & Community